Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Reading/Writing Corner

Reading is something I like to do very much and I do read books in my free time but these days you will find me glued to my lap top screen rather than my nose buried in a book.

Maybe its because rather than buying from stores or online and keeping them messily stacked on a side or in my cupboard, I can download e-books and systematically save in a folder in my lap top.
Also there are so many online websites where I can get e-books and places where I can read online.
One of my personal favorite is:  www.missliterati.com, here anyone can write their own story or read any of the stories people have submitted from all over the world, its fun and I always find something interesting to read.

Don't get me wrong, I do love BOOKS its just that for the time being as I'm living in a small room and I find it hard to put all my belongings in one small limited place.
When I get a place ( hoping to get one soon) where there is enough room for everything, I will definitely make an area like a reading corner or a small work space where I can do my reading and writing.With some bookshelves and a small table with a comfortable chair. Where I can sit quietly and write or enjoy reading a book.
Here are some ideas I've found while searching the web for areas like work spaces or reading spaces and I hope that one day I would be able to have a beautiful area like these too.

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